Reflecting and sharing your leadership growth and team journey
Throughout the program, each team has reached major milestones, and individuals have grown as leaders. The Culminating Reflection gives teams the opportunity to share their leadership development and Applied Health Leadership Project (AHLP) journeys.
Summarize your team’s journey during the program, reflect on and include achievements, challenges, and lessons learned.
Create a leadership vision for the team and AHLP moving forward.
Strengthen the network for cross-team sharing and collaboration for the future.
Important Dates & Submission Deadlines
Friday, July 12
Submit presentation slides and presenter name
Wednesday, July 24
Attend Leadership Journey Culminating Reflection Webinar
Wednesday, July 31
Submit the AHLP Journey Culminating Project
The Leadership Journey Culminating Presentation & Webinar: Telling the story of your team leadership journey
Each team will share a summary of their leadership learning journey during the Leadership Journey Culminating Reflection webinar.
The overarching theme of the presentation is your team’s leadership learning experience in relation to the LAPH Learning Model (see “Our Approach” page or below). See the sections below for guidance on how to shape your narrative and examples of past team leadership journey presentations.
Presentation & Slide Guidelines
Before you get started…
Watch this instructional video, which features Karya Lustig, Director of Strategy & Implementation at PHI Center for Health Leadership & Impact, as she reviews important instructions to follow when crafting your Leadership Journey Culminating Reflection Presentation.
NOTE: This video was recorded for a previous cohort, so some details, including presentation logistics like number of slides allowed, may be different. The guidance in this video around the content of the presentation is still accurate. Please see below for definitive presentation logistics for this year’s presentations.
Guiding Questions to Shape Your Presentation’s Narrative
Systems Change – In what ways does a systems approach to your project change the way you think about the Big Picture?
Individual and Team Leadership
Team Leadership Goals – What were they? How have they been achieved or not? How have they changed?
Individual Leadership Growth – What were the highlights? What was unanticipated? What leadership learning elements were transferred to other work?
Health Equity – How have you embedded health equity into your Big Picture? In what ways did that approach change from your original plans?
Partnerships - How has your team partnership strategy and approach grown and/or changed?
Data and CQI – In what ways does data inform your strategy? In what ways are you learning to adapt your strategy based on data?
What challenges has your team faced? How did you address areas of improvement?
Presentation logistics
Number of slides: Seven (7) max, including title slide
Duration: 8 minutes max
Pick one presenter. Each team’s presenter will need to be available to participate in a sound and tech check 30 minutes prior to the start of the webinar.
Format: Use the template provided and follow the slide formatting guidelines below.
Examples of past team leadership journey presentations
OgdenCAN's (NLAPH C9) reflection presentation from the NLAPH C9 2020 culminating reflection webinar.
Previous culminating reflection slides:
Leadership Journey Culminating Reflection Webinar
In this final NLAPH core webinar, each team will create and deliver a short presentation detailing their leadership learning experience during the NLAPH program and reflect on achievements, challenges, and lessons learned.
Wednesday, July 24
Teams presented in alphabetical order:
Agents 4 Change
Arizona School Immunization Coalition
Disease Intervention Unit
Improving Indigenous Persons Birth Outcomes in New Mexico
Tri-County Community Engagement Project of ACHENJ-CLC
The AHLP Journey Culminating Project: Looking back, moving forward
Each team will submit a final project, in a format of their choosing, that reflects on their Applied Health Leadership Project (AHLP) journey. See below for guidance on what to include in your project and for examples of past team activities. Teams should feel free to be innovative in their selection of materials and include specific examples, stories, and anecdotes that relate to their work.
Get creative with Activity formats
Below are a variety of suggested formats for your AHLP Journey Culminating Project. You may choose from one of the formats listed below, or utilize an alternative format not listed as long as it is first approved by CHLI.
Audio recording – 15 minutes, maximum. Format: mp3.
Video recording – 15 minutes, maximum. Format: YouTube or other video accessible online. If uploading a file, please make sure it is in a .mp4 format.
Slide Presentation – Descriptive slide presentation that, if presented live, would take 15 minutes. Format: PowerPoint or PDF.
Written Report - Descriptive narrative report, may include charts, graphics, etc. Format: PDF.
Poster – One-page poster that would be presented at a conference. Format: PDF.
Prezi – Presentation using Prezi, a cloud-based presentation/storytelling tool for sharing ideas on a virtual canvas. 15-minutes, maximum (audio optional). Format: link to online Prezi presentation.
Infographic – Graphic representation of data and knowledge. Various free templates can be found at Hubspot and other websites online. Format: PDF.
What to include
Outline your experience applying leadership skills to your AHLP and how the project evolved. The questions below are intended to be a roadmap—you don’t need to strictly follow this order, however, the project should be detailed and informative enough to address all the areas discussed below.
Team member information, history, and role on the team.
Description of issue and population of focus.
Applied Health Leadership Project
Big Picture – What did it look like at the beginning? How has it changed regarding…?
Environmental and political context
Critical leadership challenges
Pathway to change
Vision/desired future state
Project Outcomes – What progress has been made? What outcomes were achieved?
Leadership Element – What was the impact of the NLAPH program on the project and your team? How did the leadership focus support your learning and project growth?
The Future
Team – What are the team goals moving forward?
AHLP – What are the next steps to advance your Applied Health Leadership Project?
Individuals – What does each team member hope to do with the information learned in NLAPH?
See examples of past team AHLP Journey Culminating Projects
Anchorage Aliance for Violence Prevention – NLAPH, 2020
Going Bold Iowa! - NLAPH, 2020
Union County MOVES Coalition - NLAPH, 2022
Madison County Environmental Roundtable - NLAPH, 2022
Mohave County Childhood Immunization Team - NLAPH, 2022
Trauma Informed Prevention and Care Collaborative - NLAPH, 2018
Prezi Presentations
21st Century Visioneers - NLAPH, 2018
All Children Thrive Pasadena – NLAPH, 2020
San Miguel HIA - NLAPH, 2016
Slide Presentations
All:Ready – NLAPH, 2020
Michigan Health Equity Team - NLAPH, 2022
The Prince George’s County Behavioral Health Advisory Group - NLAPH, 2022
Youth Health Collaborative – NLAPH, 2019
Written Reports & Summaries
Alliance for Building Community - NLAPH, 2013
Chittenden County Collective Impact Team - NLAPH, 2013
Future Generations Collaborative - NLAPH, 2013
Healthy Pima - NLAPH, 2015
Savannah Community Assessment Leadership Enterprise - NLAPH, 2013
Summary Impact Story
The Summary Impact Story is an opportunity for your team to share a synthesized, publishable story about your Applied Health Leadership Project (AHLP) and its impact on/ with your community thus far. We have created a template to assist your team in summarizing the major details about your Applied Health Leadership Project to highlight the impacts you have made thus far. The template is made up of two pages:
Page One
This page will include details about your team members, target population, partners and stakeholders, the main problem you sought to address during the program year, what challenges you faced and solutions you came up with, and what the impacts have been.
Page Two (optional)
On this page, your team will have the option to share several photos from your year in LAPH. The photos are situated so that you may also include captions. If your team does not have or does not wish to share photos, you may simply leave this page blank.
Get the template
Please refer to the Guidance Questions & Tips section below for detailed instructions on how to complete the Summary Impact Story template.
Guidance Questions & Tips
Below you will find guidance and tips for how to frame your responses to the questions on the Summary Impact Story Template.
Team and partner info
Refer to your Network Map and the Stakeholder box of your Big Picture Tool to complete this section.
Team Name/Project Name
Include your LAPH Team Name and your AHLP name (if it is different than your team name)
Team Members
This should include team member names, titles, and organizations
Partners & Stakeholders
List any partner organizations or stakeholder organizations that were involved with work on your team’s AHLP.
Target population
Geographic Area
This is the location of the AHLP and target population
Rural vs. Urban
Please use the drop-down feature on the PDF to select a type
Please use the drop-down feature on the PDF to select the appropriate population size
Population(s) of Interest
Examples of different populations of interest can include:
uninsured and underinsured
remote and geographically isolated
people with disabilities (physical or emotional)
homeless / indigent
gang members and youth at risk for gangs
school-based youth
young adults
immigrants and refugees
medically underserved
What was the problem your Applied Health Leadership Project addressed?
This is a brief description of your team’s AHLP. Some questions to consider while you complete this section:
What was the primary population health issue this project addressed?
What approach did your team take to addressing the problem?
Project description
Refer to the Project Impact Statement, Socio-economic, Political, and Cultural Context, and Rationale boxes on your Big Picture Tool to complete this section.
What were the obstacles/challenges your team faced?
Some questions to consider while you complete this section:
Did anything unexpected or surprising come up as you tried to solve the problem?
Did anything in the Socio-economic, Political, and Cultural Context box of your Big Picture Tool surface as a challenge during the program year? (i.e. political issues, funding, or other contextual community details)?
How did you address these obstacles or challenges?
Challenges & solutions
What progress has been made and what project outcomes have been achieved?
What data do you have to demonstrate progress made?
What data do you have to demonstrate achievements and impacts?
Progress can also be related to partner/stakeholder relationships, team dynamics, or community relationships.
Refer to the Outcomes & Indicators section of your Big Picture Tool and the Got Data? Tool for these questions.
What impacts have you observed in your community?
How are these impacts attributed to your AHLP?
How are these impacts related to the primary population health issue your project sought to address?
What data do you have to show these impacts have occurred?
Consider revisiting the NLAPH learning model to reflect on how learnings from the program have shaped your AHLP approach and lead to impacts observed in your community.
How did learnings from the LAPH program impact your stakeholder/partner relationships?
How have partner and stakeholder relationships changed or grown over the program year?
Are there groups you are working with now that you haven’t worked with before or in a different capacity than you were working with before?
Review your Network Map and the NLAPH learning model to reflect on how learnings from the program have shaped your approach to stakeholder and partner relationships.
Most content in this section should be related to measurements captured during program year.
How can you visually communicate information about your project?
Some ideas for photos to share on this page include:
A team group photo
Your team in action working on your project, attending a coalition meeting, working with partners, etc.
A photo of your community or the population you served
Photos that illustrate the impact of your project
Whenever possible, please use high quality photos. This will enhance the impact of your story-telling.
Writing captions
Please write short but detailed captions that describe what is going on in the photo.
Getting consent to take and share photos
It’s always best practice to ask permission to take and share a photo of someone. Taking pictures of groups of people in public spaces and at events typically don’t require consent.
Adding photos to the template
Crop and save photos before adding to the template. Matching the orientation of the placeholder boxes will give the best results.