Application Process
The information here is specific to the NLAPH competitive application process. CALAPH is by invitation only and the application process is shared at the time of invitation. For further inquiries about applying to CALAPH, pleases contact us.

Sign up to get info about future NLAPH opportunities
Want to learn more about participating in NLAPH? Add your name to a list of interested parties to receive information about future NLAPH opportunities when more details are available.
Gather your team
Refer to the Team Characteristics, Composition & Roles section for key details about building your team and ensure you meet eligibility requirements.
Define your project
Get buy-in from stakeholders and all team members about your Applied Health Leadership Project. Refer to the Key Concepts & Curriculum section for specific information about your project.
Gather & prepare your documents
Submit one CV for each team member.
Submit one letter from the organization that is hosting, funding, or sponsoring the work of your team or coalition (one letter per project/team).
Sponsorship is defined as support received in the form of paid work time, grants, private contributions, or in-kind donations.
Submit one letter for each team member from their respective organizations. Letters must be written by the Executive Director or head of the team member’s organization. Each letter should:
Communicate awareness and endorsement of participation in the LAPH program.
Acknowledge the effort and time commitment required to be a fully participating member of the academy.
If a team member is the Executive Director or head of their organization, letters of support will preferably be written by the board of trustees or a similar entity.
One (1) combined PDF of all CVs from team members
One (1) PDF with letter(s) of support from at least one funding organization
One (1) combined PDF of all letters of support from each team member’s organization
Work with your team to apply online
To submit a successful application, you’ll need to work with team members to fill out the online form and submit all relevant information.
Request an application and follow the unique link sent to your email address. Only one team member should request an application.
Collaborate with your team and fill out all necessary details about team members and your project, such as stakeholders, community, and goals.
Upload all required supporting documents.
Complete and submit the application no later than 5pm PT on Monday, October 2, 2023 Monday, October 23, 2023.
Have questions or need support?
Read our FAQs or contact us today.
Tips for a successful application
Save the application manually
Click the “SAVE and proceed to the next page” button to save any information filled into the form.
Work on your application offline
Use an offline draft of the application prior to filling in online form. The application can be downloaded as a PDF or created using Word. This will help to prevent errors and accidental submissions.
Access the application one member at a time
Should your team choose to save drafts online, team members will need to access the application one at a time, using the unique link provided in the confirmation email. Simultaneous edits may not save properly.
Review application carefully before submitting
Only submit the application once all information has been filled in and reviewed. Multiple submissions are not permitted.
Use the online form to submit
Neither PDFs nor Word documents are an acceptable format for submitting the application.