LAPH Alumni Spotlights
San Miguel County HIA Team
Back in 2015, Yolanda Cruz and the rest of the San Miguel Team were focused on reducing recidivism among formerly incarcerated individuals to reduce poor health outcomes and socioeconomic disadvantages for the entire community. Since their time in the program, the team has been busy developing a community rehabilitation center to provide services for community members with substance use disorder and those in need of reintegration services.
Native American Future Generations Collaborative (FGC)
In 2013, Charmaine Kinney and the Future Generations Collaborative’s (FGC) Applied Health Leadership Project (AHLP) was focused on repairing relationships between Native and non-Native entities within Multnomah County, Oregon. They planned to facilitate the creation of culturally specific interventions and promote healthy pregnancies in American Indian Alaskan Native (AIAN) peoples through a community-based, participatory planning process that acknowledged historic injustices, integrated Native beliefs and culture, and invited leadership, input, and participation from Native community members.
Kansas Community Health Worker Partnership (KCHWP)
As part of NLAPH’s tenth cohort during the 2020-2021 program year, Elaine Johannes and the Kansas Community Health Work Partnership (KCHWP) team focused on increasing the awareness of, acceptance for, and availability of community health workers (CHWs) by providing trainings to communities across sectors within the state of Kansas. Since their time in the program, Elaine and her team have found success in their pursuit to expand opportunities and improve work conditions for CHWs.
Osceola County
As part of NLAPH’s first cohort during the 2012-2013 program year, Ken Peach and Team Osceola focused on connecting home-bound individuals within Osceola County, Florida to medical and health care services. At the beginning of the program, Team Osceola identified the community need for a program that would remove or mitigate barriers to health care access for home-bound individuals.
Chittenden County Collective Impact Team
Utilizing skills and support provided through NLAPH, Penrose Jackson and the Chittenden County Collective Impact Team, have expanded from addressing food insecurity in their community to championing health equity through a focus on the social determinants of health.
Louisville Lead-Free Community Team
Nick Hart and the Louisville Lead-Free Community Team were participants in Cohort 10, 2020-2021 program year, of the NLAPH program. During the NLAPH program, the Louisville Lead Free Community Team addressed lead hazards and utilized tools that encouraged the team to identify key partners and collaborators in their community.