Coalition to Prevent Lead Poisoning


The team has been successful in advocating for and passing comprehensive lead regulations regarding housing units in the City of Rochester, and they have also been successful in increasing the number of children being tested for lead in the City of Rochester. They have accomplished much of this work by working closely with representatives from the City of Rochester and Monroe County, a testament to the collaborative nature of the team and their ability to bring together diverse groups to move forward with lead poisoning prevention efforts. The team also works closely with neighborhood groups, healthcare organizations, and the school system in the City of Rochester to advance lead poisoning prevention goals.


Team Tools

Will update with team submissions as they are received

Rochester, NY


250,000 – 499,999

Team Members

Jonathon Hoose (Team Coordinator)
Causewave Community Partners

Clare Robinson-Henrie
Causewave Community Partners


Childhood Lead Action Project


Dent County Health Center