Create an Evaluation Plan (Collaborative Stage 3) 

In the Collaboration Handbook - Creating, Sustaining, and Enjoying the Journey, Stage 3: “Ensure Success,” is directly related to LAPH Phase III. One key element that we focus on in our work, including our AHLPs, is to "Evaluate Results." Authors Winer and Ray outline the three steps of evaluating work to be: value evaluation, create an evaluation plan, and continually improve the work. I love this section because the first and third elements are so frequently forgotten, and these are key to collaboration and project success! If we don't value evaluation, we won't take the time necessary to ask the right questions, involve the right people, or use the evaluation for program improvement. Within “value evaluation,” Winer and Ray include: view evaluation as reflection, integrate evaluation into the work, tailor evaluation to the stage of collaboration, use multiple methods, evaluate results and processes, appreciate failure, and expect rich information.

Like “Ensure Success,” Stage 3’s “Manage the Work, Create Accountability Standards,” relates to another key element of implementation, which is to have standards set in place. However, when we are talking about multi-sector/organization work, creating these standards across our coalitions can be challenging. Winer and Ray outline that, in order to do this well, we need to "Build Collaborative Work Habits" including: 1) gaining commitment to strategic decisions; 2) thinking about the impact of a decision on all those affected; 3) telling all the right people about important decisions and conversations; 4) sharing the credit for success; and 5) maintaining a constant mindset for negotiation and cooperation.

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Continually Improve the Work


Three Questions to Ask Yourself about Everything You Do