HHS Region 5


Collaborative for Equitable Mental Health Services in Madison Schools


Madison and Dane County, WI

Cohort 12 - 2023


Through multi-sector collaboration and community engagement, our team plans to build upon the proposal to (1) understand current rates of mental health concerns among middle schools and what percentage of students are accessing mental health services; (2) identify the impact of school and/or community mental health services on student outcomes; and (3) identify the barriers and facilitators to students’ access and receipt of mental health services.


Team members

Jill Denson
UW-Madison Prevention Research Center

Janice Valenzuela
UW-Madison Prevention Research Center

Kara Benjamin
Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Program, Wisconsin Department of Public Health

Katie Eklund
University of Wisconsin-Madison

Nelsie Stern
Journey Mental Health Center

Kristen Guetschow
Madison Metropolitan School District


Milwaukee Coalition on Harm Reduction and Overdose Prevention


Milwaukee, WI

Cohort 12 - 2023


Our team’s project goal is to reduce fatal and non-fatal overdoses in Milwaukee. To do this, we use data from a variety of sources to identify areas of Milwaukee that would benefit from resources and intervention. Our efforts include community engagement and utilizing evidence-based strategies to reduce the burden of overdose. We also work with local community partners to collaborate on next steps and gain insight and trust to provide resources to those who need it most.


Team members

Courtney Geiger
Milwaukee Health Department

Paige Andrews
CDC Foundation

Shaun Doyne
North Central High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area, Overdose Response Strategy

Amanda De Leon
Community Medical Services


Red Cliff Community Health Team


Red Cliff, WI

Cohort 5 - 2016


The team aims to improve health and wellness in the Red Cliff community by creating smoke-free housing. They hope to create the first tribal smoke-free housing in Wisconsin that will reduce indoor air pollution, secondhand smoke exposure, and the resulting negative health consequences, including SIDS, asthma, and cancer.


Team members

Sherrie Anderson
Red Cliff Community Health Center

James Belanger
Red Cliff Community Health Center

Vincent "Butch" Bresette
Red Cliff Community Health Center

Melissa Grooms
Red Cliff Community Health Center

Samantha Lucas-Pipkorn
Great Lakes Inter-Tribal Epidemiology Center


Big Picture Tool

Northwoods (NW) LEAN Coalition [Garden Based Nutrition in Elementary Schools]


Rhinelander, WI

Cohort 3 - 2014


The project focuses on:

  1. Increasing students' daily consumption of fruits and vegetables

  2. Increasing nutrition knowledge of students and teachers in order to incorporate more nutrition and healthy eating into the curriculum

Their intervention also addresses working with the local school districts to develop garden programs.


Team members

Kyla Waksmonski
Oneida County Public Health

Laura Magstadt
Howard Young Health Care

Susan Scheller Kirby
Saint Mary's Hospital

Regina Egan
Vilas County Public Health

Coalition for Alcohol Policy



Cohort 2 - 2013


The project will build a statewide alcohol coalition that will include diverse sectors and local coalitions to promote statewide policy goals. High alcohol consumption costs the state over a billion dollars a year. The policies created through this program could reduce costs while also increasing revenue for treatment programs and law enforcement related to alcohol consumption.


Team members

Paul Krupski
Health First Wisconsin

Melissa Dotter
Marathon County Health Department

Chris Fitzgerald
Barron County Sheriff's Department

Dorothy Chaney
WI Community Health Alliance

Thrive WI: Wisconsin's Alliance for Health Equity



Cohort 2 - 2013


The team plans to build the Wisconsin Health Equity Alliance (WHEA), a powerful, permanent statewide network for achieving health equity. The WHEA will serve as a hub for training, strategy development, state meetings, and planned actions for change. Through WHEA community organizers, public health practitioners, and academia, the team will have a strong collective impact on policy and systems change needed to improve health outcomes and reduce health disparities in Wisconsin. The team will build the foundation for WHEA by:

  • Developing a new partnership between community organizers, public health practitioners, and academic professionals

  • Developing the details of a shared vision and creating an action plan

  • Convening a Wisconsin Health Equity Summit with additional stakeholders to share the action plan, receive feedback, and implement initial action items


Team members

Paula Tran Inzeo
Clearinghouse for Prevention S

David Liners

Jennifer Weitzel
Public Health Madison & Dane C

Katherine Vaughn-Jehring
WI Division of Public Health