HHS Region 3


Complete Streets Coalition


Richmond, VA

Cohort 9 - 2020


The team aims to improve transportation access for groups that have specific health challenges and rely on mass transit to access medical care. Priority populations include pregnant women, new mothers, elders, and families of children with asthma, with an emphasis on low-income communities of color. The action plan, based on community preferences, will include partners such as health systems, safety net providers, social service providers, and nonprofits.


Team members

Cassi Patterson
Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc.

Patricia Robinson
Greater Richmond Transit Company

Robin Gahan
American Heart Association

Sarah Shaughnessy
Richmond City Health District (RCHD)

Richmond City Health-in-all-Policies Team


Richmond, VA

Cohort 3 - 2014


The team plans to:

  1. Build leadership skills to effectively lead the initiative

  2. Increase awareness among non-health sectors of the impact of decisions on population health

  3. Develop cross-sector strategies to create collaborative policy in local government that promotes health and social equity

  4. Institutionalize the incorporation of a health and social equity lens in cross-sector practices in local government through ordinances or other strategies


Team members

Michael Royster
Institute for Public Health Innovation (IPHI)

Danny Avula
Richmond City Health District

Keisha Smith
City of Richmond, Virginia

Kimberly Gray
Richmond City Public Schools

Virginia Breastfeeding Collaborative



Cohort 3 - 2014


Virginia's Maternity Care Quality Improvement Collaborative will focus its AHLP on increasing the number of maternity care facilities to encourage and support breastfeeding efforts. In addition, they will address increasing the total composite quality score from the CDC’s Maternity Practices in Infant Nutrition and Care (mPINC) for Virginia, increasing individual facility quality score from mPINC, and increasing breastfeeding rates overall in Virginia.


Team members

Lisa Akers
Virginia Department of Health

Ann Kellams
University of Virginia

Tamara Eberly
University of VA Office of CME

Kathryn Mullin
Scitent, Inc.

Eastern Shores Healthy Communities


Eastern Shores, VA

Cohort 2 - 2013


The team will create a leadership institute and help select local organizations create wellness policies including increasing physical activity, providing vending machines with healthy food options, and promoting tobacco-free campuses. The leadership institute will provide tools for community leaders to improve health. This project will support and train leaders to create healthier work environments.


Team members

Linda Thomas-Glover
Eastern Shore Comm. College

Scott Chandler
Virginia Department of Health

Aileen Joeckel
Blue Crab Bay Co.

Patti Kiger
Eastern Virginia Medical School


Big Picture Tool

Substance Abuse Among Young People


Martinsville & Henry Counties, VA

Cohort 1 - 2012


The goal of the project is to increase preventive knowledge and decrease current substance abuse throughout these counties by July 2014. Community members and leaders currently trained in “40 Assets,” a positive youth development framework, will provide “train-the-trainer” sessions to further disseminate knowledge and information. Team members will work with partners to distribute weekly information sheets to parents and educators regarding one asset per week during the school year. Each month, partners will work together to provide various educational opportunities to parents and teachers.


Team members

Gordon Green
Virginia Dept of Health, Henry-Martinsville Health Dept

Regina Clark
Piedmont Community Services

Brad Kinkema
Martinsville YMCA

Sharon Ortiz-Garcia
West Piedmont Health District