HHS Region 9

Hawaii & US Pacific Islands

Pacific Power


US Pacific Islands

Cohort 5 - 2016


As a part of the Ebola Leadership Academy for the Public's Health (ELAPH), this team of US Affiliated Pacific Islands dedicates their Applied Health Leadership Project toward improving emergency preparedness plans. The team hopes to address the unique challenges of creating an efficient incident command system that is still in its infancy. Their target urban cluster is 95% Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, and around 45% of their community members live below the federal poverty line.


Team members

Kennar Briand
City of Majuro, Republic of the Marshall Islands

Louisa Helgenberger
State of Pohmpei, Federated States of Micronesia

Esther Muna
Island of Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands

Dominic Taruwemai
State of Yap, Federated States of Micronesia

Magdalena Walter
State of Pohmpei, Federated States of Micronesia

Kauna'oa O Lana'i, The Lei of Lana'I [Bust your Butts: Kick Your Tobacco Habit!!]


Lanai City, Maui County, HI

Cohort 3 - 2014


The project seeks to: 1) create a smoke-free environment at two hotels; 2) decrease smoking/tobacco use by 10% by hotel staff; 3) improve control of diabetes and CVD metrics for hotel staff; 4) increase community capacity through team development; 5) increase community engagement for tobacco cessation through clinic, school, and senior center outreach.


Team members

Diana Shaw
Lanai Community Health Center

Gregg Kishaba
Hawaii State Dept. of Health

Carole Starbird
Lanai Community Hospital

Meagan Pulia
Four Seasons Resort


Big Picture Tool

Culminating Reflection Activity

Success Story