HHS Region 9
Disease Intervention Unit
Remote California
Cohort 13 - 2024
During the COVID-19 pandemic it became evident that the state reporting data system could not house or be utilized for case investigation or support cross-jurisdictional communication - this led to the development of CalCONNECT. CalCONNECT has the ability to conduct case investigation, contact tracing, and cross-jurisdictional communication.
Our team is proposing to collaborate with branches of the California Department of Public Health Center for Infectious Diseases and local health departments across California to increase the adoption and/or optimization of CalCONNECT. We will provide technical assistance and support on the new statewide case investigation/contact tracing system as well as provide guidance on workflows and standard operating procedures.
Team members
Daniela Valenzuela (Team Coordinator)
California Department of Public Health
Shannon Peterson
California Department of Public Health
Frida Curiel Cota
California Department of Public Health
Austin Hammesfahr
California Department of Public Health: Center for Infectious Diseases
Jasmine Allan
California Department of Public Health
Cultiva La Salud – Safe Routes to School
Fresno & Merced Counties, CA
Cohort 7 - 2022
Safer School Zone is a pilot project idea that would essentially double the fine or increase the fine on any traffic violations incurred within a five-mile radius of a school. The double on the fine would then go to support safe routes to school efforts which could include both infrastructure improvements and non-infrastructure items like planning and education for safe routes to school efforts.
Team members
Claudia Corchado
Cultiva La Salud
Genoveva Islas
Cultiva La Salud - Fresno
Christopher Jensen
Merced County Behavioral Health
The Latino Coalition Against COVID-19
Los Angeles, CA
Cohort 11 - 2022
Our project will focus on addressing targeted change in the logic model related to developing partnerships and intersectoral strategies that lead to policy and/or systems change needed to build health equity and improve community health. The proposed intervention is to create a collective impact framework through collaborative development and implementation of a multi-sector system that identifies, and addresses SDOH risk factors found to increase a community's COVID-19 risk while advocating for increased funding to communities that have been disproportionately affected by COVID-19 for an equitable distribution of resources.
Team members
Daniel Turner-Lloveras
The Latino Coalition Against COVID-19
Venus Gines
Dia de la Mujer Latina, Inc.
Rafael Gonzalez-Amezcua
Eloisa Gonzalez
LA County Department of Public Health
All Children Thrive Pasadena
Pasadena, CA
Cohort 9 - 2020
The team is working to design a sustainable collective impact plan to improve school readiness for children ages 0-5. Early childhood education is a proven intervention to the cycle of poverty. Due to scarcity of resources and the need, the team has engaged community partners to develop shared terminology, strategic goals, activities and measurement of anticipated outcomes to leverage strengths and resources to improve kindergarten readiness.
Team members
Crys O'Grady
City of Pasadena Public Health Department
Elva Sandoval
Forward Learning Center
Manuel Carmona
City of Pasadena Public Health Department
Whitney Harrison
Young & Healthy
Tim McDonald
City of Pasadena, California
Alameda Alliance for Health
Alameda County, CA
Cohort 6 - 2020
Their plan to link resources for coordinated re-entry of incarcerated persons and to connect these underserved individuals to local resources (e.g. housing, food, workforce development, and other essential services) focuses on the highest-need areas in Alameda County, such as Ashland and Cherryland.
Team members
Hilary Bass
Alameda County Sheriff's Office and Dig Deep Farms
Steven Chen
ALL In Alameda County
Scott Coffin
Alameda Alliance for Health
Martin Neideffer
Alameda County Sheriff's Office
Dave Brown
District 3, Alameda County Supervisor Wilma Chan
Kathleen Clanon
Alameda County Health Care Services Agency
Wendy Still
Alameda County Probation Department
Clear the Air
Riverside County, CA
Cohort 6 - 2020
Their goal is to develop a digital vaping peer-to-peer youth-led toolkit that will focus on community power-building and address the issue of vaping as a vehicle to engage youth participation in addressing systemic barriers that contribute to disparities in health equity. The audience includes school districts, public health departments, and community and youth serving organizations in disadvantaged communities in Eastern Riverside County.
Team members
Eddy Jara
Riverside University Health Systems-Public Health
Corie Goldman
Riverside University Health Systems-Public Health
Tori St. Johns
Desert Sands Unified School District
Jorgelina Atucha
American Heart Association
Minahil Khan
Riverside County Public Health Department
Housing in the High Desert Region of San Bernardino
San Bernardino County, CA
Cohort 6 - 2020
The Housing in the High Desert Region of San Bernadino team is developing a plan for affordable housing. Such housing aims to increase the number of families able to build wealth through home ownership and avoid some of the mental health consequences of the lack of affordable housing in the area.
Team members
Kevin Mahany
Providence Health - St. Mary
Darryl Evey
Family Assistance Program
Cassandra Searcy
City of Victorville
Donald Brown
Lee & Associates
Shelly LaMaster
Inland Empire Health Plan
Stephanie Pazarin
Institute for Public Strategies
Shasta Home Visiting Team
Shasta County, CA
Cohort 6 - 2020
The team will strengthen regular communications and collaborate with local organizations that perform evidence-based home visits. Ultimately, this will improve systems that allow cross-program referrals to serve the largest population possible in Shasta County.
Team members
Kathey Kakiuchi
Shasta County HHSA Public Health Branch
Amanda Keefer
Shasta Head Start Child Development Inc.
Amy Diamantine
Northern Valley Catholic Social Service
Michael Burke
Pathways to Hope for Children
Roxanne Burke
Shasta County Health and Human Services
Nayan Patel
Shasta County Health and Human Services Agency
Joy Garcia
Shasta County Office of Education
Elizabeth Poole
First 5 Shasta
Imperial County Enhanced Coordinated Entry Initiative
Imperial County, CA
Cohort 5 - 2019
The team members will identify evidence-informed models and support the development of protocols for an enhanced local coordinated entry system (CES) to provide housing resources and coordinate an array of mainstream and non-housing related supportive services. The project includes strengthening community partnerships to ensure maximum participation by all interested CES participants, including public, private, and nonprofit sectors.
Team members
Andrea Bowers
Imperial County Public Health Department
Ana Belen Mendoza
Imperial County Public Health Department
Les Smith
Imperial Valley Continuum of Care Council
Isaen Equihua
Catholic Charities
Rosyo Ramirez
Imperial County Department of Social Services
Suicide Prevention through Advanced Surveillance Methods
Riverside County, CA
Cohort 5 - 2019
A risk assessment tool will be developed for school districts to gather information on factors contributing to a student’s emotional/mental distress, which has led to thoughts of suicide. The tool will be created with local partners. Goal is to use data to find common variables that will help to guide interventions to address suicidal behaviors among at-risk youth. The project will also assist broader efforts to establish a suicide prevention coalition.
Team members
Rebecca Antillon
Riverside University Health System - Public Health
Amy Hyong
Riverside University Health System - Public Health
Susan Levine
Riverside County Office of Education
Melinda McFarland
RUHS - Behavioral Health
Jerry Quintana
HARC (Health Assessment and Research for Communities)
Too Good To Waste San Bernardino County
San Bernardino County, CA
Cohort 5 - 2019
The goal is to identify areas of need and divert food that goes to the landfills, direct and align resources, and support an infrastructure that provides surplus food to food insecure populations. The plan is to conduct a community assessment, utilize results and local data to support community decision-making and efforts, and share results with community stakeholders to strengthen their connection with food programs and providers.
Team members
Dori Baeza
San Bernardino County Department of Public Health
Dale Parker
San Bernardino County Department of Public Health
Caryn Nunley
San Bernardino County Department of Public Health
Lauren Ortiz
San Bernardino County Department of Public Health
Adela Evans
Department of Public Health, Division of Environmental Health Services (EHS)
Teslyn Henry-King
San Bernardino County Department of Public Health
San Diego Antibiotic Resistance Awareness Initiative
San Diego, CA
Cohort 8 - 2019
The initiative aims to develop a curriculum and implement trainings on the health hazards of antibiotic misuse/overuse with Community Health Workers (CHWs) and Train-the-Trainer model. Subject Matter Experts will train CHWs to disseminate information and raise public awareness among communities in San Diego County. The long-term plan is to implement this project statewide and to include assessment of community awareness and impact of trainings provided by CHW workshops.
Team members
Maria Celaya
CA Dept. of Public Health, Office of Binational Border Health
Graciela Mendoza
Grassmont-Cuyamaca Community College District
Yadira Medrano
Public Health Foundation Enterprises/Heluna Health
Patricia Corona
Olivewood Gardens & Learning Center
Imperial County Food Security Initiative Team
Imperial County, CA
Cohort 4 - 2018
The county’s first ever Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) will be aligned with and supported by the team’s goals:
To mobilize a knowledgeable community to better understand the relationship between food insecurity and social determinants of health
To implement strategies to help increase access to healthy foods in Imperial County
This project will also complement efforts to engage non-traditional partners.
Team members
Angela Ramirez
Imperial County Public Health Department
Irma N. Martinez
Clinicas de Salud Pueblo, Inc.
Rosalina Blankenship
Imperial County Public Administration/Area Agency on Aging
Orlando Johnson
2-1-1 Imperial County
Systemic and Environmental Changes for Health Equity
Riverside County, CA
Cohort 4 - 2018
Their mission is to create a juvenile justice reform road map to promote system and environmental change in the Coachella Valley by analyzing the built environment, its relationship with juvenile crime, as well as an inventory of services and diversion resources to document areas of need. The project aims to increase awareness among community members of the relationship between the built environment and violence, and build community resilience.
Team members
Salomeh Wagaw
Riverside University Health System-Public Health
Dianne Leibrandt
Riverside University Health System-Public Health
Christopher Erich Morin
HARC, Inc. (Health Assessment and Research for Communities)
Rebecca Zaragoza
Leadership Counsel for Justice and Accountability
Olivia Rodriguez
Coachella Unincorporated
Strong Families, Thriving Communities Team
San Diego County, CA
Cohort 4 - 2018
The team’s AHLP is designed to support families to prevent the involvement of children in Child Welfare and Juvenile Justice, and to ensure that children who do enter these systems have opportunities to live well and thrive even beyond their involvement. This approach includes education for individuals before they become parents and strengthening and connecting the services that system-involved youth and families access.
Team members
Dale Fleming
San Diego County Health and Human Services
Katie Rast
The San Diego Foundation
Kim Giardina
County of San Diego
Alethea Arguilez
First 5 Commission San Diego
Denise Lozares
County Central Region Public Health Nursing
Lorraine Fernandez
San Diego County Probation Department
Local Health Authority Asthma Community Engagement (LHA-ACE) Team
Imperial County, CA
Cohort 3 - 2016
The team's work focuses on asthma community engagement and complements the efforts of the Imperial California Accountable Community for Health Initiative. Engagement efforts include working with non-clinical partners for asthma management (e.g., businesses, social services, and the general public), identifying potential partners, creating buy-in and shared goals, and mobilizing support to decrease the burden of asthma.
Team members
Christina Olson
Imperial County Public Health Dept.
Helina Hoyt
San Diego State University-Imperial Valley
Lee Hindman
Imperial Valley Joint Chambers of Commerce
Peggy Price
Department of Social Services
Marisa Craig-Allen
Imperial Valley Press
Breathe Well Long Beach Collaborative
Long Beach, CA
Cohort 3 - 2016
The team seeks to address the health needs relating to asthma, and its related conditions including poverty, health inequity, and environmental factors. The local prevalence of asthma as estimated by the Long Beach Health Department is 13.3%, which is associated with high rates of asthma. Asthma emergency department visits in Long Beach are higher in four of its zip codes located in the port’s high pollution zones. The prevalence of asthma in the community is associated with the location of the busy ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles, together the largest in the country; combined with the truck transport of goods and oil refineries in the adjacent area. The pollution generated from this system contributes to asthma, particularly in children living below the federal poverty level.
Team members
Judeth Luong
Long Beach Department of Health & Human Services
Kelly Colopy
Long Beach Department of Health & Human Services
Christine Petit
Building Healthy Communities: Long Beach
Elisa Nicholas
The Children's Clinic, Serving Children and their Families
Sylvia Betancourt
Long Beach Alliance for Children with Asthma
Building Equitable and Resilient Communities
Sonoma County, CA
Cohort 3 - 2016
The team's work focuses on building trust and relationships across the various "resilience" communities in Sonoma County. Together, including the voice of the community, the team seeks to develop a framework to guide the alignment of scarce resources for building resilient communities. The intent is to assure that every resident of Sonoma County has the opportunity for health and well-being.
Team members
Ellen Bauer
Sonoma County Department of Health Services
Trathen Heckman
Daily Acts
Oscar Chavez
Sonoma County Department of Human Services
Nancy Dobbs
KRCB North Bay Public Media
Susan Shaw
North Bay Organizing Project
Llegando A Comunidades En Caso de Emergencias (LACECE)
San Diego County, CA
Cohort 4 - 2015
The present Applied Health Leadership Project supports the formation of a team representing four sectors (public-county, public-state, academic, and non-profit) that will develop a communication pathway and mechanism for sharing information with the border and binational Latino population living in the San Diego-Tijuana region in the event of a public health disaster.
Team members
April Fernandez
CA Department of Public Health
Liliana Osorio
Health Initiative of the Americas, UC Berkeley
Justine Kozo
County of San Diego, Health and Human Services
Connie Lafuente
Project Concern International
San Bernardino County Partners for Better Health (Creation of a Sustainable, Metrics-Driven Public Health Funding Model)
San Bernardino County, CA
Cohort 3 - 2014
The San Bernardino County Partners for Better Health team will advocate for legislation to adjust the realignment formula for the Inland Empire. Their project will also promote a regional identity of the Inland Empire to leverage collective resources and advocate for equitable distribution of resources, increase the pool of money in the County for prevention services, and promote a plan for a social impact bond model.
Team members
Kenneth Meter
Crossroads Resource Center
Dora Barilla
Loma Linda University Health
Trudy Raymundo
San Bernadino County
Steve PonTell
National Community Renaissance
Sonoma County Healthy Aging Collaborative
Sonoma County, CA
Cohort 3 - 2014
The Sonoma County Healthy Aging Collaborative will focus on providing leadership around and greater visibility for the challenges and opportunities facing aging adults, who compose a large percentage of Sonoma County’s population. This will require a holistic approach that extends beyond the traditional health sector to include other community systems, including food, transportation, housing, neighborhoods, and built and natural environments. The goal of this work is to create healthier, safer communities where older adults can “age in place” and participate in neighborhood and community life. The Healthy Aging Collaborative will provide leadership to identify and coordinate strategies for meaningful and sustainable investments in the health and well-being of aging community members.
Team members
Ellen Bauer
Sonoma County Dept. of Health Services
Marianne McBride
Council on Aging
Mary Maddux-Gonzalez
Redwood Community Health
Oscar Chavez
Innovation Action Council
Shirlee Zane
County of Sonoma
Diane Kaljian
Sonoma County Human Services Department
Fresno County Health Leadership Team
Fresno County, CA
Cohort 2 - 2013
Their goal is to establish a coalition to align action around an agreed-upon set of community health outcomes (from 2013 Community Health Needs Assessment) - move effort from exploration to action! The coalition is being built from high need and stakeholder interest in aligning action in an effort to avoid duplication of service and silo issues.
Team members
Sara Bosse
Fresno County Dept. of Public Health
Kevin Hamilton
Clinica Sierra Vista
MaryJane Skjellerup
Youth Leadership Institute
Donna DeRoo
CSUF Center Health & Human Services
Lynn Ashbeck
Hospital Council of No/Ctrl CA
Gail Newel
Fresno County Dept. of Public Health
Transforming Madera
Madera County, CA
Cohort 2 - 2013
The team wants to improve the livability and walkability of the neighborhood surrounding Cesar Chavez Elementary School. They are also interested in creating a joint-use agreement with the school district for after-hours use of the school. This is one of the underserved communities in Madera with a school that serves 700 students.
Team members
Van Do-Reynoso
Madera County
Norman Allinder
Madera County
Mattie Mendez
Community Action Partnership
Donald Holley
Madera City Council
Merced County Opportunities for Prevention
Merced County, CA
Cohort 2 - 2013
Their focus is on preventive care and coordination for individuals with chronic illnesses. The project will identify existing preventive service options and existing models used to provide these services. The project will also highlight gaps or barriers to receiving preventive services that are available to better manage chronic conditions. The hope is to identify new opportunities to enhance existing models and/or identify new models to better meet the needs of the community.
Team members
Cindy Valencia
Merced County Health Dept.
Myisha Reed
First 5 Merced County
Isai Palma
Building Healthy Communities
Desirre Herrera
Planned Parenthood Mar Monte
Crisantema Gallardo
Merced Organizing Project
San Joaquin Changemakers
San Joaquin County, CA
Cohort 2 - 2013
Their goal is to create a consensus-drive policy intervention that takes a more holistic, systems approach to prevention. They have a focus on Obesity and Chronic Disease Prevention - strengthen task force, select and implement policy, and revise the strategic plan.
Team members
Marisela Pineda
SJC Public Health Services
Karen Pfister
San Joaquin County Public Health
Raquel Moreno
Kaiser Permanente
Anna Martin
UC Cooperative Extension
LaCresia Hawkins
Community Partnership for Families
Community Health Worker Coalition
Tulare County, CA
Cohort 2 - 2013
The team aims to integrate CHWs into the clinical setting and public health system, building on pre-existing work, in order to establish uniform and countywide standards, career ladder, and scope of practice for CHWs that is adopted and recognized by all organizations.
Team members
Jose Ruiz–Salas
Tulare County Public Health
Rosa Betancourt
Health Net of California
Malorie Serrano
Health Net of California
Alma Torres-Nguyen
Kaweah Delta Health Care District
Erica Cubas
Tulare Community Health Clinic
Shasta Early Literacy
Shasta County, CA
Cohort 2 - 2013
The project seeks to increase early literacy of children. By third grade, if not reading at grade level, children will fall behind in school, which can have a negative impact on their long-term health status. The project will engage the community to understand the importance of early literacy while also promoting awareness of early literacy as a social determinant of health to policy makers, funders, and other key decision makers within the community.
Team members
Kathey Christian-Kakiuchi
Shasta County Public Health
Jennifer Snider
First 5 Shasta
Peggy O'Lea
Shasta Library Foundation
Judith Salter
Rotary Club of Reddng
Design 4 Active Sacramento
Sacramento County, CA
Cohort 2 - 2013
The team seeks to advance the relationship between the built environment and health by increasing understanding of the positive impacts of policies and development decisions and advancing the need for health-related policies and health in all policies. The team will research and identify appropriate Health Impact Assessment tools and coordinate with the Community Transformation Grant team to create and promote healthy policies.
Team members
Judy Robinson
Sacramento County
Adrian Engel
Mark Thomas and Company
Monica Hernandez
Sacramento Area Council of Governments
Teri Duarte
Olivia Kasirye
Sacramento County DHHS
Edie Zussman
Eden Medical Center
Policy & Systems Change to Improve Community Health for the Smith River Tribal Community
Del Norte County, CA
Cohort 1 - 2012
Del Norte County’s project will focus on addressing targeted changed in the logic model related to developing partnerships and intersectoral strategies that lead to policy and/or systems change needed to improve community health and health equity and create safe, walkable neighborhoods and healthy recreational activities for families and youth.
Team members
Marva Scott
Smith River Rancheria; United Indian Health Services
Amber Talburt
Wild Rivers Community Foundation
Hilda Yepes-Contreras
Open Door Health Clinic
Economic Development, Environment, Health, Education, and Recreation/Youth
Kern County, CA
Cohort 1 - 2012
The Building Healthy Communities South Kern has condensed their focus to five action teams: Economic Development, Environment, Health, Education, and Recreation/Youth. The vision is to create a healthy and unified community that embraces their culture and fosters opportunity for all residents, especially youth, through high quality education, health and social services, dignified work opportunities, safe neighborhoods, and a clean environment in which to live, work, and play.
Team members
Gustavo Aguirre
Center on Race Poverty & the Environment
Karen Davis
Arvin School District
Jennifer Herrera
Kern County Public Health Services Department
Amerika Nino
Boys and Girls Club of Kern County
Improved Accessibility and Use of Park and Community Walking Clubs
Los Angeles County, CA
Cohort 1 - 2012
They aim to increase the quality and use of a public park within the SLABHC boundaries. Proposed projects include the implementation of a program similar to “Summer Night Lists/Parks after Dark” that will focus on reducing gang violence and increase park participation, community walking clubs, and use of fitness equipment.
Team members
Brenda Anderson
Office of Mayor Antonio Villargairosa
Alina Bokde
LA Neighborhood Land Trust
Vicki Israel
City of Los Angeles, Recreation and Parks
Jan King
Los Angeles County Department of Public Health
Adolescent Health Promotion and Care in One-Stop Mobile Clinics
Orange County, CA
Cohort 1 - 2012
The Santa Ana BHC Workplan specifically describes the goals of creating integrated services and systems in the BHC area. Residents, systems leaders and community-based organization representatives, expressed that services and systems need to be family-focused and client-centered. Additionally, the SABHC work plan calls for the creation of one-stop centers in strategic locations, such as schools where comprehensive and integrated health, mental and education services for families will be offered. The applied leadership project will select at least two schools (one intermediate and one high school) from the SABHC area to pilot an adolescent-focused mobile clinic that will incorporate such elements as:
Peer health education
Built-environment and urban planning elements such as safe routes to school
Youth health councils
Team members
Isabel Becerra
Coalition of Orange County Community Health
Trey Bonner
Orange County Health Care Agency
Barbara Kidder Garcia
Jose Rea
Madison Park Neighborhood Association
Sandra Rose
“Health in All Policies” for East Salinas
Monterey County, CA
Cohort 1 - 2012
They aim to incorporate “Health in All Policies” and redesigning programs to improve social equity and reduce health disparities in East Salinas and throughout the County of Monterey. The team will work together to define the project upon completion of the first webinar. This will ensure that all team members have the opportunity to begin to work as a team in defining the project. This will be the subject of our discussion and energy throughout the year.
Team members
Lucina Alcala
Building Healthy Communities
Tara Hullinger
City of Salinas
Eric Padilla-Chavez
County of Monterey, Health Department
Annabelle Rodriguez
Alisal Family Resource Center-Alisal Unified School
Community Health Improvement Plan for the Latino Population in Santa Clara County
Santa Clara County, CA
Cohort 1 - 2012
The team’s goal is the development of a leadership structure and framework for a community health improvement plan for the Latino Community in Santa Clara County. The BHC team will review the outcome of the 2012 Latino Health Assessment and work together to develop criteria that will inform the development of strategic priorities. The team will apply the criteria to the assessment results and also determine how to integrate their own rich experiences and expertise in identifying priority areas. The BHC team will develop goals and objectives associated with the strategic priorities that are high-impact, actionable, and reflect the commitment of the BHC team.
Team members
Reymundo Espinoza
Gardner Family Health Network, Inc.
Frederick Ferrer
The Health Trust
Emily Lam
Silicon Valley Leadership Group
Dan Peddycord
Santa Clara County - Public Health Department
Land use and transportation in Eastern Coachella Valley
Riverside County, CA
Cohort 1 - 2012
They seek to examine the realities of a group of community members through a series of questionnaires that can establish a baseline for measuring different aspects of the existing environment, attitudes, towards healthy living behavior and government. The team would influence these community members by providing information, encouraging engagement, and recruiting them to spread the knowledge and create a chain reaction. The opportunity to study the interconnectedness is an opportunity to boost long-term understanding and implementation of health land use and transportation planning policies.
Team members
Karen Borja
Inland Congregations United for Change (ICUC)
Cristina Mendez
California Rural Legal Assistance
Gabriel Perez
City of Coachella
Miguel Vasquez
Riverside County Department of Public Health
Peer-to-Peer Mothers Taking Action Pilot
Ventura County, CA
Cohort 1 - 2012
In 2010 VCPH launched “Peer to Peer Mothers Taking Action”, a pilot project funded by the Network for a Healthy California. In its first 9 months of operation, 261 women were engaged in peer-led discussion groups. During these peer-led learning and support group sessions, the women shared their own experiences and ideas as well as intentions for future action. This project will make available information, referral, support, and other resources to mothers who participate in the sessions.
This approach supports mothers engaging in dialogue with one another to share what they know and have learned about health, nutrition, and obesity prevention. This learning model connects residents to each other, honors cultural strengths, and inspires behavioral change.
The Academy project would replicate the model in several neighborhoods and expand its learning objectives to include physical activity and leadership development. The goal will be to connect informed residents and provide support for them to work together to strengthen community involvement and leverage resources to build healthy communities.
Examples of activities will be to work on creating walkable neighborhoods and community gardens, improving food deserts, and increasing utilization of other services such as Cal-Fresh participation, and preventive health services. The Academy team will seek a partnership with a local university to evaluate the effectiveness of the project in creating systemic change.
Team members
Silvia Lopez-Navarro
Ventura County Public Health
Fran McNeill
Food Share, Ventura County’s Food Bank
Silvia Rodriguez
Cabrillo Economic Development
Sandy Young
Mixteco/Indigena Community Organizing Project
Emergency Information Sharing for At-Risk Populations
Los Angeles County, CA
Cohort 1 - 2012
The problem that most communities in Los Angeles face is a lack of cohesion and organization. To promote community resilience, emergency managers must create sustainable information-sharing networks in order to successfully disseminate emergency public health information and guidance. Community organizations and leaders are equipped to build the capacity of emergency information-sharing networks to include at-risk audiences and enhance the overall resiliency of communities. By leveraging these pre-established networks, the project can expand access to community members and bridge the cultural, language, and information gaps involved in transmitting emergency messages to at-risk populations. The project will primarily provide exploratory and baseline assessment results.
Team members
Stella Fogleman
County of Los Angeles Dept of Public Health
Jovy Bayani
County of Los Angeles Dept of Public Health
Trevor Rhodes
Community Clinic Association of Los Angeles County
Cullen Armet
Emergency Network of Los Angeles
Health in All Policies Task Force
California, Statewide
Cohort 1 - 2012
The project team will work with staff of the Health in All Policies (HiAP) Task force to engage partners (i.e., 17 state agencies, departments, and offices; stakeholders and advocacy groups; local and regional agencies) in implementing policies and programs to improve housing transportation, agriculture, safety, and government sectors to promote health. The HiAP task force addresses chronic illnesses associated with insufficient physical activity and poor diet.
Team members
Julia Caplan
California Dept. of Public Health
Karen Ben-Moshe
California Dept. of Public Health
Lianne Dillon
California Dept. of Public Health
Josaphine Stevenson
California Dept. of Public Health