Jackie Hawkins, MS

Jackie Hawkins, MS, is the Chief Executive Officer and Owner of Delta Community Solutions, LLC. Prior to the establishment of Delta Community Solutions, Jackie served as the Community Project Manager for the Mississippi Delta Health Collaborative (MDHC)/Mississippi State Department of Health/ Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Hypertension Reduction Initiative for the 18 County Mississippi Delta Region. Through this work, Jackie led the MDHC/MSDH to receiving 3 national recognitions from ASTHO (Association of State and Territorial Health Officials) and the National Surgeon General report and through the development and implementation BROTHERS (Barbers Reaching Out to Help Educate on Routine Screening) which is a hypertension awareness initiative by training barbers as health advocates was recognized in Time Magazine and featured story on Sirius radio.

During Jackie’s tenure with the MDHC/ MSDH a toolkit was developed to for local elected officials for the establishment of a health councils to create policy changes at the local level. Jackie holds a Masters in Rural Public Policy and Planning.
