The Sum of Us
In The Sum of Us: What Racism Costs Everyone and How We Can Prosper Together, author Heather McGhee explores the economic impact of racism as an argument for change. In this LAPH phase and module, you are exploring policy and systems change implications and directions for your Applied Health Leadership Project (AHLP). McGhee’s framing and research behind this book highlights how racism has been embedded into many policies and practices. It is critical that we examine how policies and practices rooted in racism have impacted our community economies. What are some economic impacts that would stem from changes made to better serve all community members and lead to healthier lifestyles? How would these impacts better serve you? McGhee provides the historical context and backdrop to understand where we are today.
McGhee shares five discoveries from her nationwide research that can support your AHLP process:
Aiming for a Solitary Dividend. We have reached zero-sum game with the old model and must aim differently. Our AHLP must seek to address social determinants of health to make a more equitable community, thus changing the “us vs. them” narrative that has resulted in inequities.
Refilling “the public pool” for everyone is the quickest way to get there. In this discovery, McGhee reminds us that making resources more widely available to everyone, rather than segregating them, will best serve the greater whole of our community.
Solutions are never one size fits all. Design what works for your community.
“We truly do need each other.” Your LAPH multi-sector teams can and should be the catalyst for change.
“We have to get on the same page before we can turn it.” The processes you are setting up through your teams and your Big Picture Tools support the alignment of vision and values. That will, in turn, support your community process towards the creation of a new story.
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