The Public Health Worker Mental Health Crisis – A Major Leadership Challenge

Reinforcing the importance of agile leadership is never-ending these days, and the recent challenges of leading through the COVID-19 pandemic and the associated mental health challenges are prime examples. This week’s theme focuses on an article from the Journal of Public Health Management, “The Public Health Worker Mental Health Crisis – A Major Leadership Challenge,” which explores the high levels of burnout, COVID-19 fatigue, and general mental health challenges among the overall population and the public health workforce. During these times, it is important to think about how your team can integrate agile leadership into your work for both for NLAPH and within your organizations. Leading with an adaptive approach is frequently focused on goals and associated activities, measurement, and continuous quality improvement adjustments. What support can your team offer each other as you manage the ebb and flow of mental health challenges? How can you support each other in creating an environment that doesn’t lead to burnout? How can we acknowledge the deeply personal nature of our current work, and the challenges it brings, while also continuing to work and strive to succeed? Answering these questions requires us to lead in an adaptive way. When challenges arise and you aren’t able to proceed with the planned route, learning from your adaptations is just as important as the learning from other activities.

image from Journal of Public Health Management & Practice


Crucial Conversations


Stakeholder Trust