Retreat Leadership Reflection Questions
The NLAPH retreat provided a good number of opportunities to learn from catalyst speakers, engage in discussion, and work with your teams to develop ideas. Now, we'd like you to spend some time reflecting on your experience by revisiting the leadership reflection questions you were introduced to during the last day of the retreat. We recommend writing out your thoughts and reflections in a journal or notebook. Alone or with your team, please use the following questions to guide your reflection. How do your answers to the questions below change your perceptions of yourself, your plan for the issue you want to address, and your Big Picture Tool?
What resonated with me the most?
What tools are most valuable for my work moving forward?
What did I learn about my team's community context?
In a broad sense, what is our Applied Health Leadership Project (AHLP) about? What systems and/or policy change connect to our issue or opportunity?
What was my most valuable learning?
What is going to be the biggest learning curve for me?
How does my AHLP advance health equity?
What boundaries will be most difficult for me and for my team to cross?
How does approaching work from a systems leadership perspective change the way I view myself and my team’s approach?
What do I need to unlearn to be effective in leading? In being a team member?
What am I inspired to learn more about?
What do I want to learn from my coach?
What do I want to learn from my team members?
What teams do I want to connect with?
What are my team’s next steps?
What more should we push our stakeholders, or ourselves, to be doing to advance equity?