Improving Indigenous Persons Birth Outcomes in New Mexico


Due to existing health and social disparities, closure of rural hospitals, and workforce shortages in rural New Mexico, indigenous persons face higher pregnancy risks and higher maternal mortality rates. Our project aims to:

  1. Develop tools to work toward a collective public health impact.

  2. Improve skills to establish partnerships and buy-in with equitable data sharing.

  3. Advance health equity and strengthen multi-sector advocacy for tribal health systems and their communities.

  4. Translate this training to contribute to the development of public health programs that have local relevance and meet ecological perspectives.


Team Tools

Big Picture

Network Map (image only)

Network Map (Miro board link)

Got Data

Albuquerque, NM


50,000 – 249,999

Team Members

Simran Priel (Team Coordinator)
ECHO Institute, University of New Mexico

Andrea Botero- Tompkins
Presbyterian Health Services

Nicolle Arthun
Transcending Strategies

Janet Johnson
New Mexico Department of Health

Subroto Banerji
Presbyterian Health Services


Disease Intervention Unit


YouthWISE (Wellness & Information for Smoking and E-Cigarettes)